NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti

The GeForce GTX 1070 Ti based on the architecture of Pascal, it has 2432 CUDA cores, 8 GB GDDR5 memory 8 GB/s with a total throughput of 256 GB/s bus 256-bit.

As expected, the GTX 1070 Ti will occupy a niche between the GTX 1080 and the GTX 1070.

GeForce GTX 1070 ti

Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Series: GeForce 10
Date of announcement: November 2, 2017
Announced price: $449 USD
Model of the motherboard: NVIDIA PG411

Height: 11,13 cm
Length: 26,67 cm
Width: dual slot

The characteristics of the GPU:
CPU: GP104-300 (GP104)
CUDA cores: 2432
The base clock speed: 1607 MHz
Clock frequency acceleration: 1683 MHz
GPU architecture: Pascal
Process technology: 16 nm FinFET

Memory features:
Memory performance: 8 GB/s
Standard memory configuration: GDDR5 8 GB
The bandwidth of the memory bus: 256-Bit
Memory bandwidth: 256 GB/s

Support technologies:
Multitraccia: Yes
VR support: Yes
Ansel: Yes
SLI: Yes (HB Bridge SLI Supported)
G-Sync: Yes
GameStream: Yes
GPU Boost: 3.0
DirectX: 12 API (feature level with 12_1)
Vulkan API: Yes
OpenGL: 4.5
Bus: PCIe 3.0
OS support: Windows 7-10, Linux, FreeBSDx86

Display support:
Maximum digital resolution: 7680×4320@60Hz
Standard connectors: DisplayPort 1.4 and HDMI 2.0 b, DL-DVI
Multiple monitors support: Yes
HDCP: 2.2

Power and temperature:
Maximum GPU temperature: 94C
Energy consumption: 94 W
Recommended system power: 180 watts
Additional power connectors: 8-Pin

*Video card not yet announced. More detailed specifications will be published after the announcement of the graphics card.

Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce

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